“Shavuot- Pentecost”


Deuteronomy 9:10 And the Lord delivered unto me (Moses) two tables of stone written with the finger of God; and on them was written according to all the words, which the Lord spake with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly.

Shavuot: the day the Jewish people remember when God gave them the law, written in stone with His own finger. It, the law, showed them just how sinful and unworthy they were and if we as gentiles look at these laws, we also see just how wicked and sinful we are. Actually, these are the things which the God of Creation wants all to follow so as to be able to commune with us as He did with Adam in the Garden but through disobedience we fell from grace.

Then, He sent Jesus to atone for our sinful nature so that we could be set free from the devils work in our lives. The devil, Lucifer, fell from grace as sin was found in him and was cast out of heaven just as all sinful people who do not obey all of God’s commandments. But Jesus came as a sinless lamb to take away the sin of the world and paid the price we all deserve. His blood was shed upon the alter (the Roman cross) for all of us. It was an invitation to return, acknowledge that we have failed to be the sinless people He wanted us to be, and acknowledge that Jesus paid our ransom price.

Then, some days later came another Shavuot time of remembrance and this loving God poured out upon all who acknowledged Jesus work on the cross, the gift of the Holy Spirit, which gave them and us the power to be able to fulfill the requirements of His law, to enter into His Kingdom. To all who will believe, this gift of all gifts will be poured out upon us. To all who say ‘yes’ to Jesus, He gives the power to enter His Kingdom. No pressure, you and I are free to do as we please and follow whatever highway we want, wherever it goes. But God wants all to know that the only way into His Kingdom is through the work of Jesus.

©2020 Sherwood A. Burton – All Rights Reserved

This entry was posted in Israel.

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