

Psalm 19:1-4a The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.

I look at this picture that was taken by the Hubble telescope and this scripture immediately comes to mind. But I also think of the entity that created all of this and so much more. Can we, I, begin to understand the magnitude of who we are dealing with when we say so casually, “God”. And in the face of what we see just in this one picture of one small segment of space, just how very insignificant our huge planet earth is, that we inhabit, is in relation to this. And to go even further, how incredibly small each one of us is in relation to the entire picture of what this God is in control of. And to go even further, He wants to have a personal relationship with each and every one of us.

Genesis 1:1a In the beginning, God… Through His voice, He spoke into existence everything we can see and hear from nothing that we can see. I am beginning to understand that everything is in a state of vibration which is so significant when we ‘speak’. I cannot see an atom or inside the atom, the protons and neutrons. Nor can I see beyond that to the quarks or even the strings which science is now letting us know that that is what we are dealing with when we talk about material things. All of these things are vibrating.

God does not write books but He has dictated to a lot of people who were able to hear His voice, a very significant volume of text called ‘The Bible’. This book shows a history of His dealings with the human race and also tells us how, in the New Covenant, to have a relationship with this awesome being. He has said, in His Word, that He loves us and to prove His love, He actually became the ultimate sacrifice upon a cross which was an extremely cruel form of administering the death penalty at the time.

BUT, His death was not the end of the story, He came back to life after three days and nights in a sealed tomb. Then to top it off, after forty days of proving His new life, He ascended up to heaven in the presence of a multitude of witnesses. His is a life eternal and He is offering us lowly humans the same eternal life with Him in His Kingdom. All one has to do is look at all He has created in the heavens and in the natural world if we might think eternity will be boring.

Enough said for this day and believe me, there is so very much more to say on His behalf.

©2020 Sherwood A. Burton – All Rights Reserved

“Daydreamers or Visionaries”

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Mark 9:23 Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

I have been reading and listening via youtube about a Dr. Caroline Leaf and I find a lot of what she has to say actually is in the bible, the above statement from Yeshua being one of them. Here is a bit of a blurb about Dr. Leaf:

Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopedics’, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Since the early 1980s she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health, and the formation of memory. She was one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change (neuroplasticity) with directed mind input.

One of the things I heard recently was that daydreaming is a good thing when it comes to being able believe and to accomplish things or desires in one’s own life. In my last post, from January 17, 2020, I talked about believing with the heart rather than the mind but I now see that the hearts belief actually starts in the mind. Then, as I read this scripture above in Mark 9, I see that Yeshua is talking the same language as what this lady is saying. Actually, science is catching up with what Yeshua was saying in the first place. Daydreamers and visionaries may be one in the same as they are actually believing in something that they can see happening in their minds eye. I think that makes sense. (A quick look at Elon Musk and his visionary accomplishments show the truth in this idea, I think.)

I think we are all aware that 2020 is a new day and we all are going to see marvelous things happening this year and onward. ONLY BELIEVE !

©Sherwood A. Burton 2020 – All Rights Reserved



Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

What is a gift? A gift is something that you receive which you did not have to go out to buy, it is a free something.

As I was going to sleep a couple nights ago, I got to thinking about what God gave us, eternal Life. I was thinking about the gift, that eternal never ending gift that is new every moment for a longer time than I can even comprehend. It is a gift so far beyond our understanding or what we can imagine, and it is free. We did not earn it, could not begin to earn it by anything we ever did or could do. This gift is free and yet it will cost us to reach out and say thank you.

I was just imagining how I would feel if I could have the freedom to travel everywhere I could possibly think of for the rest of my life and someone else was going to pay all the expenses for as long as I wanted to continue on this journey. Or, I could have the home I have dreamed of since I was a teenager and in fact have drawn the plans for that home. But, I would have it just because I desired it. How awesome is that, it goes far beyond anything any of us deserves because of our fallen nature.

When I was the Staff Photographer for the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and photographing the events during the celebration of the feast of tabernacles, I remember speaking to the Lord that I wanted above all things to photograph His Kingdom. His response to me was almost immediate, “Look around you, photograph the joy and the love that you see among the people, that is My Kingdom at work.” What could be more of a gift to me as a photographer than to continually see images of His presence among us? Thus, I have walked these many years seeing images of His Kingdom on this earth and being a scribe, not so much with quill and parchment but with a camera, being a witness of His presence all around me.

©2018 Sherwood A. Burton … all rights reserved